How to create a great plant display

How to create a great plant display

Creating an aesthetically pleasing plant display in your home or office can be a rewarding experience

Designing interiors with plants can be a great way to add texture, colour, and life to any room. Plants also provide numerous health benefits such as improving air quality and reducing stress levels. Whether its in that darker bathroom, humid kitchen, blank wall bedroom, living room or simple dining room, there is a plant for every space!

By incorporating plants into your interior design, you can create an inviting indoor space that is both attractive and beneficial for both your physical and mental health. Whether it's cascading vines or tiny succulents, plants can bring beauty and benefits to your home.

Be sure to research how to properly care for each plant in your design so they continue to thrive. With a little bit of planning and creativity, you can turn any space into a green oasis!

variegated monster plant display

Displaying houseplants

Choosing indoor plants you like is the first step. When choosing plants for your indoor space, it's important to consider the size of the space you're working with, your personal preferences, and the light and temperature conditions of the room.

You'll also need to think about how you want to arrange your plants around the room. Some people prefer a minimalistic approach and opt for a few statement pieces, while others create small groupings of matching plants for more impact.

Consider your interior, wall colours and wall paper to ensure you are pairing your indoor plants with existing decor rather than forcing a plant into a space it doesn't fit into. This includes consideration of lighting, the direction of the light and intensity. This applies when displaying house plants and office plants.

Plant care: It's also also important to remember that plants need regular watering and maintenance, so place them somewhere where they can be easily accessed.

For plant inspiration check out our guide to The 10 Best Aesthetic plants to grow this year.

Styling your indoor plant display

Indoor Pot/planter selection

The style of your plant pots is just as important as the plants themselves. When selecting pots, think about how they'll look in the space and what colours or materials will complement or add contrast to your interior.

Think about the placement of the plant when selecting the pot, remember to ask yourself, is this plant going to be displayed on a shelf? a wall? the floor? hung from the ceiling? Pick your pot according to the angle they are going to be seen.

Terracotta and ceramic pots are popular choices, but you can also find metal, concrete, and even plastic containers in all sorts of shapes and sizes. If you want something bolder, why not try a patterned pot? With hundreds of different designs available, there's sure to be one that suits your taste.

There are even self-watering planters available – perfect for those who struggle to remember when it's time to water their houseplants!

Finally, bear in mind that some plants may require larger or a deeper pot than others – always check the plant label to make sure you're getting the right size.

Indoor Plant Stand

A plant stand can be a great way to showcase your plants and add an extra touch of style. If you're going for a modern look, opt for a sleek metal design – it’ll look great with any colour palette or room decor. Rustic designs may benefit from concrete planters.

Plant stands are also good for displaying smaller plants you may want to show off. A tiered stand is ideal for this, as it allows you to group plants of different heights together and create a unique display.

When selecting the perfect plant stand, make sure you measure the area so that it fits comfortably into your desired spot. Also remember to leave some breathing room around the edges for larger plants – this will help prevent overcrowding and keep your display looking neat.

Hanging plants

Hanging plants or trailing indoor plants are a great way to make use of vertical space in any room. Whether you go for single potted plants or groupings, it’s easy to create an eye-catching display with just a few strategically placed accessories.

Air plants are another great option for low-maintenance hanging plants, air plants don't require much attention just the occasional misting and bright light to keep them happy and healthy.

When it comes to eye catching interior plant design, try displaying hanging plants at different heights for an interesting visual effect. You could also use trailing plants on shelves to create a living wall – this is perfect for giving your space some extra colour and character.

To hang your plants, all you'll need is some string or wire and hooks or wall brackets. Decide whether you want the plants to trail, or hang from the ceiling. Be sure to mark your holes before you drill them!

You could also try macramé hangers if you want something more decorative – these give you the option of including hanging pots or hanging planters you prefer the design of. You can also buy specific ready made hanging planters that may suit your interior!

orchid displays indoor plant design

Indoor Plant displaying ideas

  • If you're looking for something unique, why not try terrariums or hanging baskets to create a vertical display? They’re perfect for smaller spaces and can be used to create interesting shapes and patterns. You could also use an old dresser or drawers as plant shelves – this can look great in rustic style interiors.

  • If you’re looking to add extra flair to your design, consider adding rare or unusual potted plants. Not only will this provide visual interest, but it will also give your home a unique feel. You can find rarer indoor plants at specialty nurseries and some online shops. We can also help you source them!

  • For an extra special touch, consider adding other elements like art pieces or wall hangings around the houseplants to further enhance their beauty. When done thoughtfully, these small details can have a big impact on the overall look of the room.

  • Epiphytes like air plants or orchids work great on a suspended branch or climbing up a rustic ladder

  • Green living walls - Not only do they look stunning, but they’re also excellent for filtering air and providing extra oxygen in the room. When creating a green wall, make sure you select houseplants that are suited to your light conditions and prefer similar amounts of moisture and nutrients. You'll also need some mounting material such as screws, nails, or adhesive strips. Don't forget to leave enough space between plants so they’re not overcrowded.

indoor plant design

General Care Tips

  • Make sure to use appropriate soil and fertilisers to ensure your indoor plants stay healthy.

  • Don't let your indoor plant pots fill with water, always drain your cache pots after watering to prevent root rot.

  • Consider the placement of your potted plants, that monstera you love may look great in front of a large, bright south-facing window but it will probably get scorched leaves. A large snake plant may suit the space better.

  • Add greenery to spaces you are going enjoy regularly, those ferns or cacti you bought for your pantry or storage room may look fresh on day one. Consider how often you are going to enjoy the plant and balance this with the pressure of keeping it alive.

  • If you have pets that like to chew on foliage, consider buying pet-friendly houseplants.

Why work with a plant stylist/Interior Landscaper?

If you’re looking for expert help with designing interiors with indoor plants, then it may be worth considering working with a professional plant stylist. Plant stylists specialise in creating beautiful, lush spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and beneficial to your health.

They can take the guesswork out of selecting houseplants as well as provide invaluable advice on how to care for them properly. Working with a professional can save time and stress and ensure your space looks its best.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the indoor plant choices available or unsure of how to create an inviting oasis in your home, consider hiring a plant stylist! Their expertise can make all the difference in creating a beautiful, healthy and long-lasting space. The Botanical Archive is here to support your interior green project, get in touch today!

Finally -

Designing interiors with plants is like adding an extra layer of beauty to any room. With careful consideration of size, preference, light and temperature conditions, as well as regular maintenance, you can turn your living space into an inviting oasis.

The Botanical Archive is here to help if you need any more advice or assistance. We are an RHS Chelsea award winning Interior Plant Styling/Landscaping service dedicated to helping everyone get the most out of their indoor space so don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

We provide plant consultations, interior plant styling, sourcing and installation for homes and offices!


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